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关于美国马里兰大学Mirosław Jan Skibniewski教授来我校做名师讲坛活动的通知

点击量: 时间:2015-07-22

    应教师教学发展中心和建设工程学部的邀请,美国马里兰大学Mirosław Jan Skibniewski教授来我校做“名师讲坛”活动,欢迎广大教师和学生届时参加。
    主 题:Creativity and Innovation in Construction: from Distant Past into the Future
    时 间:2015年7月24日(星期五)9:00-11:30
    地 点:土木综合实验三号楼5楼多功能厅
    This presentation reviews the achievements of construction technologies for major architectural and civil engineering projects throughout the world, from ancient past into the present times and beyond.This lecture will focus on the results of research on the effects of Building information modelling (BIM) during the construction phase of the project. Four factors including requests for information, rework, change orders, and schedule compliance will be discussed based on personal interviews with contractor employees experienced in the use of BIM. Eight case studies were conducted in California to explore the effect of BIM during the construction phase with respect of these four factors.
    Mirosław Jan Skibniewski,博士,美国马里兰大学土木与环境工程系教授,俄罗斯工程院及波兰工程院外籍院士,工程管理领域世界顶尖期刊之一《AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION》主编,工程管理领域世界知名专家。

上一条:北京理工大学庞海芍教授解读大学教师发展的理念与实践 下一条:上海交通大学吴静怡教授做客“名师讲坛”解读工程教育

版权所有:大连理工大学教师发展中心 地址:辽宁省大连市甘井子区凌工路2号